Today’s beta channel release introduces several new Chrome Apps APIs and a few exciting developer features on Chrome for Android. Unless otherwise noted, web platform changes affect desktop versions of Chrome and Chrome for Android.

Web Audio in Chrome for Android

The Web Audio API is a high-level JavaScript API for processing and synthesizing audio. Its goal is to allow web developers to implement professional-quality audio production applications and modern game audio engines. You can see it in action in the MIDI Synth demo, which works on Chrome for desktop, iOS, and, starting with today's Beta, Android (shown below). Note that for this initial release on Android, the feature is only exposed on ARM devices that support NEON optimizations.

WebRTC in Chrome for Android

WebRTC enables real-time communication such as videoconferencing in the browser. It consists of three independent components: getUserMedia, which provides access to the user’s webcam and microphone; PeerConnection, which sets up calls with the ability to traverse NATs and firewalls; and DataChannels, which establishes peer-to-peer data communication between browsers.

These three features have been enabled in desktop Chrome for a while, and today's release adds support in Chrome for Android. Now you can create real-time web experiences that work across device form factors. Watch the Google I/O presentation or call a friend from your browser to see more:

New capabilities for Chrome packaged apps

Today’s Chrome Beta channel brings Chrome packaged apps several new capabilities including richer access to Google services such as Google Analytics, Google APIs and Google Wallet, and better OS integration using services such as Bluetooth and native app communication. Read last week's Chromium Blog post to learn more.

Other web platform features in this release
Visit for a complete overview of Chrome’s developer features, and circle +Google Chrome Developers for more frequent updates. We’re excited to see what you build!

Posted by Raymond Toy and Wei Jia, Software Engineers and Mobile Media Mavens