The dashboard is designed to encourage transparency and to consolidate web platform feature tracking. For each feature, it shows useful details such as:
A short description and owner email address
Implementation status in Chromium
Progress through the standards process
Our understanding of the opinion of other browser vendors
Values are associated with a shade of
yellow, or
green based on how they affect the likelihood that a feature will ship in other browsers. For example, the
entry for CSS Flexbox is entirely green, indicating that the spec is stable and publicly endorsed by other browser vendors. In general, we like to see a lot of green because it indicates that we’re minimizing
compatibility risk and preserving the interoperability that makes the web platform so powerful.
This is the first iteration of the new version, and we plan to explore different ways of exposing the data, including a better aggregate view. If you’re curious, the code is available
on Github. We used a new framework called
Polymer, which is built on the emerging
Web Components standards. Although Polymer is in early development, we decided this was a perfect place to experiment with it.
Posted by Eric Bidelman, Developer Programs Engineer and Web Platform Correspondent